Are you looking for ChatGPT business training for your team? Become more productive with AI working alongside you. See Nigel’s Workshop titles or Keynote speaker page.

Nigel Temple has extensive ChatGPT business training experience. He is an engaging and inspirational trainer.

The training can be delivered for small or large groups.

Live demonstrations are included and step-by-step ‘how to’ guidance.

Nigel shares insights gained from his ChatGPT training experience.

Tailored ChatGPT business training

The training can be tailored to your requirements, if you require.

In-person at your offices or meeting venue, or via Zoom.

There is a lot more to ChatGPT than first meets the eye.

Professional ChatGPT training can make all the difference.

What is ChatGPT?

What are the business benefits of ChatGPT?

AI glossary for business people


“Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, I have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years.”
~ Andrew Ng

“The reason why ChatGPT is so exciting is it’s the exact right form factor for demonstrating how AI could become a useful assistant for nearly every type of work.”
~ Aaron Levie